Night of the Demons – I Can’t Believe I Watched the Whole Thing

Well, I rewatched this gem of cinematography and managed to stay awake the entire time.

It had two, yes two, actual “jumped in my seat” moments in the entire movie. Story-wise, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense and there were a couple of editing and continuity missteps. The special effects/makeup were decent – nothing great, but nothing horrible either.

What it did have going for it: a few scantily clad women that are pretty attractive and the cast seemed to be having fun. Also: some simulated sex (wine bottle, wheeee!), several scenes of  women kissing (basically, obligatory girl-on-girl is hot…pant…pant…pant scenes), one scene of two men kissing.

And there was one moment involving a breast that, to me, was somewhat groundbreaking. Made me look away. The kind of thing that if women could cross their breasts (I dunno – maybe some can?), they would. Akin to men crossing their legs at seeing some things. And that’s only the beginning of that scene – there’s more, and it’s…um…well…unusual, I guess.

Hoos’ rating: I’d watch this again before ever watching Skyline again. But that’s not saying a lot.


Night of the Demons
Night of the Demons

Night of the Demons

I woke up at 2 in the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. After perusing the queue for a while, I settled on Night of the Demons. After watching about 30-45 minutes of meandering storyline with no cohesion, I fell asleep. So, it did what I needed.

What it did have from what I remember: three young women in skimpy costumes, Halloween party at haunted mansion, a couple of goofy dudes.

I may rewatch it just to find out if it’s corny or just bad.