Bad Reviews of (Usually) Bad Movies

Hello and welcome.  My name is Hoos.  For no discernible reason, I decided to just start a blog of mini-reviews of usually pretty bad movies.

This started a while back on a forum for geeks over on Ars Technica about Netflix movies and shows, and I get a kick out of it so thought, “Hey, let’s check out this blog thing all the cool kids are talking about”.  So, that’s it in a nutshell.

You may be wondering about my qualifications to review movies.  And that is your right.  Well, I have a TV, an internet connection, a Netflix subscription, two eyes, and a mass of grayish-pink cells between my ears.  Those are my qualifications.  Here I plan to include things outside of offerings on Netflix – like reviews of my sweet, sweet collection of Ma and Pa Kettle movies.  Freedom, man!

If you are hoping for in-depth reviews using words like “oeuvre” or “Bergman” or “film”, you will be disappointed.  Instead, you’ll be getting snapshot reviews of things I’ve watched while doing household chores (often) or sleeping (sometimes) or waiting for a Law & Order marathon to come on TV (once, maybe twice), took some time to digest, and then vomited forth the results on your screen.

Adult (aka “swear”) words will be used.  Discussions of nudity and/or sex as depicted in the movies will be mentioned.

Finally, this is all like just my opinion man.  Tongue-in-cheek opinion and, even when I pan a movie, I still respect the fact that a bunch of people took a chance on it.  That takes more guts than a lot of folks have.

So, welcome and enjoy.


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