Wild, Wild World of Batwoman

I watched MST3K’s take on Wild, Wild World of Batwoman over the weekend.

I was completely underwhelmed by MST3K for primarily one reason: audio. The audio on the movie was too low, there was too much overtalking by the MST3K gang, and the MST3K gang continually talked over each other. Couldn’t hear large parts of the movie and couldn’t hear the comments (esp. at the beginning). Yeah, parts were funny. But it was mostly just annoying.

Based on that viewing though, it can be officially stated: there is a worse movie than Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. It’s like the director dropped acid, took meth, shot up with heroin, ODed on Xanax, chugged 60 litres of tequila, smoked a bowl of hashish, then sat down to put his innermost thoughts and feelings into writing.

Oh. And. Mole people!